About Renée
Renée M. Schell’s debut collection, Overtones, was published in 2022 by Tourane Poetry Press. Her poetry appears in New Verse News, Catamaran Literary Reader, Literary Mama, Naugatuck River Review, and many other journals. She was lead editor for the anthology (AFTER)life: Poems and Stories of the Dead.
Renée has been a featured reader at various venues around the San Francisco Bay Area and finds it hard to pass up an open mic. She earned a Ph.D. in German Studies at Stanford University and went on to earn a California teaching credential. She then taught at a Title I elementary school in San José. She was also a volunteer docent and librarian at the Edwin Markham House in History Park San José, the bricks and mortar home of Poetry Center San José. She shares her home with her family, four cats, and the spirit of Beethoven. |